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-The journey for a trainee is about more than the professional development

One of our current management trainees is Vilde from Skjetten, a curious 27-year-old. For her, the trainee program is about much more than professional development; it’s also about developing personally, having fun, making memories and relationships along the way. 

After graduating with a master’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from NHH, Vilde wanted to become a trainee, and her eyes were set on Schibsted; she had always been fascinated by how we empower people in their daily lives through our 60 + digital brands.

“Schibsted is a big, but still, highly innovative company that fosters positive synergies across its digital brands, which I found really exciting. I wanted to learn more about how Schibsted adapts to changes in external environments such as new technologies and increased competition from global actors. As a trainee, you are able to gain a broader understanding of this, and you get the opportunity to challenge yourself by taking on diverse roles across different industries. I was sold and I still am!” she says

The phone call
It’s no secret that the competition to land a trainee position at Schibsted is tough, so when the trainee manager called Vilde to let her know if she had gotten the position she was super excited.

I was out hiking in the mountains when I got the call and to be honest, the whole conversation was a bit blurry since my mind exploded in euphoria after hearing I got the job! I was so excited and full of energy, so the rest of the hike was a piece of cake,” she says

Four different placements across our Nordic brands
Vilde has so far been in two of four different placements. By being given different responsibilities and tasks across industries she has become better at solving complex problems and leading larger projects, she has no doubt that she has developed not only professionally but also personally.

“For my first position I got assigned to Schibsted Kyst in Stavanger as a project manager. Here, I completed a market research report and led a project in the ad market related to real estate. Currently in my second placement, I am in the strategy department of VG, working with a growth strategy and a project aimed at the young audience of VG,” she says

“I have experienced what it is like to lead an agile project with many project flows and stakeholders – both a lot of fun and challenging! The trainee program also contributes to personal development as you get useful insight about yourself. For instance, you learn about which tasks you are particularly passionate about, as well as how it is to be thrown into unfamiliar environments and new job tasks. This is exactly what makes it so great to be a management trainee here at Schibsted! You acquire a set of new skills and experiences that you can benefit from later in your career,” she says

Having fun and creating network is part of the journey
Professional development is not the only goal for our trainees. Having fun, making memories and friends along the way is also a big part of being a Schibsted trainee, and the cohesion among the Schibsted trainees is strong.

“We are a close group of friends that organizes many social activities outside work, such as different sports activities and “afterwork”. The trainees are also useful sparring partners where we share work experiences and learn from each other. This way, we gain an even greater understanding of Schibsted and all the activities that take place in different business areas,”

“I have had many fun experiences as a trainee, such as attending the Nordic Media Days in Bergen. Here, I met many interesting people from the Media industry and listened to several exciting lectures. For example, sports laundry in Qatar and the New York Times’ coverage of the Pegasus case. As a trainee, you meet many committed and inspiring people during the program. The inclusive Schibsted culture makes the threshold low for creating a network and reaching out to colleagues – either for a “coffee chat” or a game of table tennis,”she says 

A unique opportunity to kickstart your career
After her experience so far, Vilde is eager to recommend others to apply for the Schibsted trainee program.

“The Schibsted Management Trainee program is a unique opportunity to work with the most known brands in the Nordic countries. Through the different placements, you get to take on a variety of challenging and interesting opportunities, where you can learn and practice your academic skills in an open culture that is both inclusive and fun!”

 With placements across the Nordic countries, you also learn how business opportunities can be realized in foreign countries, cultures and markets. You get to be a part of a highly energized and a fun “trainee crew” that organizes many social activities and is eager to exchange knowledge.”, she says!

Learn more about our trainee program here