We protect the personal data we process about our customers, users, partners and others with whom we engage in our business activities.
Data is one of Schibsted’s most important assets and an essential part of our business model.
We are transparent about how personal data is processed, and we provide choice and control for managing the use of data.
We aim to create value for our customers with the data, always ensuring that their trust is maintained, as well as the reputation of our valuable brands.
Privacy means protecting the individual’s ability to know how their personal data will be collected, shared and used, and to allow them to exercise choice and control over the use of their personal data. |
Personal data is defined as any information that can be linked to an individual, such as customers or employees. – |
What is Schibsted’s responsibility?
We comply with relevant data protection rules, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
We train employees in privacy and expect everyone to take responsibility for the personal data we handle in our work.
We provide user controls and choices that are effective, understandable and easy to access. We promote responsible online advertising by maintaining ethical standards for targeting and controlling the third parties with whom we share data.
We do what we say and say what we do, and we are transparent about how personal data is processed.
What is expected of me?
- Ensure that access to personal data is on a strict, need-to-know basis.
- Delete or anonymise personal data as soon as it is no longer necessary for the original purpose.
- Strictly refrain from sharing personal data with third parties unless the sharing of data has a valid legal basis and reason.
- Assess and document all new personal data processing before processing is started and follow the “privacy by design” principles.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the processing of personal data about individuals in the European Union (EU). – |
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Schibsted Privacy Function