Our decisions are based on objective and fair assessments of Schibsted’s interests.
Even the suspicion of a conflict of interest can challenge our integrity and may have a negative impact on our reputation and business.
Conflicts of interest arise when our personal, social, financial or political activities affect the work we do or our loyalty to the company. Personal interests include financial interests, business opportunities, outside employment or directorships, as well as the interests of close family and friends. – |
What is Schibsted’s responsibility?
We don’t allow decisions that are made on behalf of Schibsted to be influenced by our own personal interests.
We don’t use confidential company information that we may become aware of (as representatives of Schibsted) for personal benefit or for the advantage of others.
We are committed to being open and transparent to prevent actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest.
We adhere to conflict-of-interest rules in relation to relevant press ethics criteria.
What is expected of me?
- Remain impartial and professional in any dealings with business partners.
- Be transparent in any actual or potential conflict of interest situations.
- Always disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest to your supervisor.
- Actively avoid and eliminate conflicts of interest or situations that may appear to be a conflict of interest.
- Conduct fair, transparent and well-documented procurement processes.
- Before making personal investments in other companies, consider whether such invest- ments could lead to a conflict of interest.
Be aware of certain situations that may cause conflicts of interest: |
Holding a job or performing services on behalf of one or more of our competitors, customers or suppliers. |
Operating a business on your own time that is similar to your work in Schibsted. |
Having a personal or financial interest in one of Schibsted’s competitors, suppliers or customers or a company where Schibsted has an ownership interest. |
Having family members or another person with whom you have a close personal relationship do business with Schibsted. |
Having family members or another person with whom you have a close personal relationship that invests in one of Schibsted’s competitors, suppliers or customers. – |
Find out more
Group Compliance Officer