Being a part of Schibsted means following the code.
Trust is essential to our business, and to gain it we must earn it. This means that in everything we do, we aim to be fully compliant with all legal requirements, follow best practices and act with integrity.
Within our Code of Conduct (the “Code”), we describe the norms, responsibilities and proper practices that are required from all of us. The principles laid out in this document define how we act and what it means to do the right thing in Schibsted. We believe that by establishing clear, ethical standards and clarifying what is expected of us when doing business, we are more likely to make good decisions.
Our Code explains Schibsted’s stance and values for areas of risk that are particularly relevant to us. It guides us through every- day dilemmas and explains how and when to get more information and ask for help. It’s not possible to cover every possible scenario that we may encounter, but by reading and understanding the Code, we will all be better equipped to handle unexpected situations and do the right thing.
What is Schibsted’s commitment?
As a responsible company, Schibsted operates lawfully, with a high degree of integrity and transparency, in accordance with the existing and emerging regulations and standards of a sustainable business.
For us, sustainability means taking responsibility and being transparent about both the positive and negative impact we may have on society and the environment, in the short- and long-term.
Schibsted is a participant in the UN Global Compact and supports their Ten Principles for corporate sustainability which are reflected in this Code.
The UN Global Compact seeks to advance 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. All companies that have joined the Global Compact are expected to implement the principles in their business operations. – |
The Code applies to all of us
This Code applies to all of us in Schibsted, including all employees, leaders, and our Board of Directors, as well as all companies that are part of the Schibsted family.
Our Code gives an overview of the most relevant governing principles for Schibsted and our subsidiaries. All subsidiaries shall implement this Code so that we all follow the same principles and guidelines.
We also expect our partners, contractors and other hired personnel who work with us in our operations to meet our standards and respect our values as outlined in the Code.
What is expected of leaders?
- Ensure that all employees know and understand our Code and ensure their understanding is maintained.
- Create a culture in which ethical conduct is recognised and valued.
- Ensure a safe working environment in which all employees feel comfortable raising concerns.
- Ensure appropriate organisational structures to effectively handle legal, ethical and sustainability issues and performance.
- Lead by example always.
What is expected of everyone?
- Read and understand our Code.
- Implement the principles outlined in our Code in day-to-day work activities.
- Attend relevant training.
- Actively seek out information from your manager or the policy owners if you have questions, face dilemmas or simply want to know more about the policies and guidelines in place
- Know and understand all policies and guide- lines that may be relevant to your work.
- Raise concern if you suspect illegal or unethical business conduct.
Speak up if you suspect breaches
Violations of the Code are not accepted and may result in liability for both the company and individuals. If you believe that a behaviour or condition is not in line with our Code or our values, we encourage you to report your concern. How and when to report concerns is described in the Speak Up chapter.
Any questions or doubts related to the understanding, use or implementation of the Code can be raised to your manager or to Schibsted’s Group Compliance Officer.