Today is the first day of trading in Schibsted ASA’s B-shares. The A-shares in Schibsted ASA will accordingly be traded ex split from and including today.
Schibsted now invests heavily in a massive effort on technology in order to improve user experience and digital product development across our sites.
Naspers Limited, Schibsted Media Group, Telenor Group, and Singapore Press Holdings today announced an agreement to establish joint ventures for the development of their online classifieds platforms in four key markets – Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand and Bangladesh.
Schibsted Media Group’s Nordic buy-and-sell sites, and have agreed to cooperate on improving customer security.
In Schibsted’s Future Report you can read articles on key trends written by our strategy unit together with colleagues from across the group, you can learn more about our users’ needs, and you can discover some of our most successful companies.